
Monday, December 2, 2013

Studio C T-Shirt Design - Free Printable

If your kids are anything like mine, they LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Studio C on BYU TV. They watch it incessantly and then there is the quoting. Yep, they quote it allllll the time! On any given day you can hear the following phrases in our house:

"Lobster Bisque"

"Captain Literal"

"Look into my unblinking eyes!"

"Take my weapon and strike me down!"

They seriously love this show. So for Christmas it was only natural to want to buy them a Studio C t-shirt or hoodie. Unfortunately, when I went looking for something like this, there was not much to buy. One sad-looking (sorry Studio C) black adult sizes. 

Obviously, I do not own the rights to this show and cannot be making money off of its likeness -- thank you everyone on Etsy who sell unlicensed character things --- but I wanted to share this so others can make these t-shirts for their kids for Christmas. I would never want to take money away from our friends at Studio C to fund their awesome sketches, so when they start selling cool t-shirts, this free printable will go bye-bye, but until then...enjoy!

Note, I uploaded mine to VistaPrint and bought two youth t-shirts. They are having a Holiday Special if you log, things will be half-priced. I got the two shirts for $6 each. 

You could also print the above designs to t-shirt paper you buy at your local super or office store and iron them on yourselves. 



P.S.   Oh, and if you're wondering "What in the heck is Studio C?" (Only the best show ever!) Here is a link to their site where you can watch episodes for FREE! It's like Saturday Night Live, but it's clean. Your kids can watch it, you can watch it and it's funny and appropriate for everyone.

> Watch Studio C for FREE!


  1. Oh, wow, this is really great, Lori! We are loyal fans here too. I think I need to whip up one (or 6) of these too! Thanks!

  2. I love how Studio C is so clean. We need to get the boys together over the break. I'm sure they would love to make some videos of Lobster Bisque with your boys :)

  3. I enjoyed this post a lot. This is great information about studio t shirt design. Now buy corporate t shirts India at amazing prices for or your Corporate, Workshops, Events.

  4. We LOVE Studio C at our house! 'Balance Restored!' is another one of the quotes that flies around our house all of the time. Thank you for doing this design. My daughter actually wanted tickets to go and see a live Studio C show for Christmas, but since we live in a different state, that is not happening. This T will be wonderful!!!

  5. Thanks for this great idea! I was also disappointed to see only a single black Studio C shirt up for sale. This will make a really fun gift for my daughter this year!! :)
